
Fake Your Dream Vacation with AI

A Spanish Adventure

Generative AI can do more than work automation, it can help you orchestrate a harmless prank to impress your friends! Imagine you wanted to go on holiday this summer, but sadly things didn’t work out. That doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. Thanks to impressive image generation models, chat assistants and voice cloning, you can pull-off a fake vacation that gets you one step closer to becoming a pro at AI.

In our comprehensive tutorial, we’ll guide you through creating a realistic Spanish vacation using various AI tools and techniques. Take this chance to not only have fun, but learn how to use these AI models. Whether you’re looking to impress your social media followers, practice your presentation skills, or simply indulge in a bit of harmless escapism, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to craft a convincing and immersive virtual trip to Spain. We hope by the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to put these skills to good use in your daily workflow.

You will learn how to:

  • Generate a travel journal detailing every day of your supposed trip
  • Create Stunning “Photos” of Your Trip
  • Speak Spanish Like a Local (Almost)
    • Clone your voice and make it speak fluent Spanish
    • Create audio clips of you ordering a burger

Let’s dive into the world of AI-powered travel and create some unforgettable (and totally made-up) memories!

Craft Your AI Travel Journal

Generate your own travel journal, complete with daily activities, witty comments, and even Instagram-worthy posts. Remember, personalisation is key here. You need to incorporate your own preferences and personality into the prompt to make the journal feel authentic. Just change the parts in square brackets to reflect your own preferences. If you have a travel journey of your own from a previous vacation, feel free to add it under the prompt as an example.

You are a professional me, a person that [loves to experience novel things, visit museums and historical sight seeing. I prioritise doing things that I wouldn’t normally be able to do here in the Netherlands.]

Generate a 5-day travel journal for a trip to Spain, including things I would do, ensuring that its full of things I would do. Your writing should be realistic, as if no one were going to read this. No over the top punctuation, and make it feel like stream of thoughts as I recall through what I’ve been doing each day:

  • Daily activities in popular Spanish cities (Barcelona, and Madrid)
  • Humorous observations about local culture and cuisine
  • Excited comments about landmarks visited
  • 2 social media posts over the whole trip with catchy captions and image content. Images should be holiday type images.

[Optional Example]

Pro Tip: Feed this prompt into ChatGPT or your favorite large language model (our favourite is Claude). Don’t forget to adjust the number of days, cities, and personal preferences to fit your “dream itinerary”!

Here’s a snippet of what you might get.

5-Day Travel Journal: Spanish Adventure

Day 1 – Madrid Today, I decided to explore the city on foot. I strolled through the vibrant neighborhoods of La Latina and Malasaña, stopping at charming plazas and people-watching at outdoor cafés. The locals seemed so relaxed and friendly, enjoying their daily cortado (espresso with a splash of milk). In the evening, I attended a live music performance at a cozy bar in the Lavapiés neighborhood. The band played a mix of traditional Spanish folk music and contemporary fusion, creating a lively and infectious atmosphere. Social Media Post 1: Caption: “Hiking through the stunning Sierra de Guadarrama mountains, just outside Madrid. Nature’s masterpiece!” Image: A photo of a scenic hiking trail in the Sierra de Guadarrama, with rugged mountains and lush greenery.

Day 2 – Barcelona Woke up craving more authentic Spanish cuisine, so I asked the hotel staff for recommendations. They pointed me to a hidden gem in El Born, a cozy family-run place serving up the most delicious paella I’ve ever tasted. The saffron-infused rice, perfectly cooked seafood, and a glass of crisp white wine – pure bliss! Spent the afternoon exploring the charming streets of El Born and El Raval. These neighborhoods are like a breath of fresh air compared to the touristy hotspots. Stumbled upon a lively street market selling everything from handmade ceramics to fresh produce. Picked up a few souvenirs and chatted with the friendly vendors. Social Media Post 2: Caption: “Escaping the crowds and discovering the real Barcelona 🌇” Image: A beautiful day at Barcelona’s natural beaches just outside the city.

Generate Stunning “Photos” of Your Trip

Now, let’s create some ultra-realistic images to accompany your journal. We’ll use Midjourney but feel free to experiment with DALL-E that’s included in Chat-GPT for this part. Here’s a prompt template that combines the elements from your journal entry and the image suggestions:

Phone photo of [the hills of Barcelona], image with a poor angle.The subject is facing the camera/viewer. The photo was posted in 2018 on Reddit. Posted on Snapchat in 2018.

Hills of Barcelona

For a relaxing hike through the hills:

Phone photo [during a hike through the Sierra de Guadarrama], image with a poor angle with a crowd.The subject is facing the camera/viewer. The photo was posted in 2018 on Reddit. Posted on Snapchat in 2018.

Hills of Barcelona

For a sunny day at the beach:

Phone photo at [the natural beach in Spain while sunbathing], image with a poor angle. The subject is facing the camera/viewer. The photo was posted in 2018 on Reddit. Posted on Snapchat in 2018.

Natural beach in Spain

Become a Spanish Language Pro (Sort Of)

Everyone’s heard of voice cloning by now, with a few clips you can get a convincing copy of your voice. Better yet you can also fake yourself speaking in a foreign language, finally you can show your multi-lingual skills. Let’s use AI to make it seem like you’ve picked up Spanish during your “trip.” We recommend using a voice recording of you talking on the phone, since this creates a realistic background noise and static in the final recording. It’s important to note that what you get out of voice cloning is what you put in, this fact can be used to your advantage to fine-tune the style of talking. Here I’m casually talking awfully close to the microphone, but if you wanted to extend this tutorial and make an enthusiastic spoke person voice, use voice clips where that energy is present.

For the text we’re going to use a simple dialogue.

Generate your sample text in your target language using whatever AI assistant you prefer (Chat-GPT, Claude or Google Gemini).

Create a Spanish dialogue of me ordering a burger, with only my lines. Make it slow and clear that I’m not a native speaker but I can speak the language well.
  1. “Buenas tardes… Quisiera… pedir una hamburguesa, por favor.”
  2. “Mmm… La hamburguesa clásica, con queso… si es posible.”
  3. “Sí, con papas fritas… Y… ¿tienen alguna bebida especial de la casa?”
  4. “Ah, entiendo. Entonces… un vaso de agua estará bien, gracias.”
  5. “¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?”
  6. “Perfecto. Muchas gracias por su ayuda.”

Voice Cloning

Generative AI has become easier as the field matured, now the process of voice cloning is as simple providing a 60 second voice clip and the press of a button. We’ll use voice ElevenLabs for this part, which as of recently isn’t available to clone voices for free, however, we recommend it a try if you’re interested.

The process is simple, first go to the voices tab in the ElevenLabs dashboard.

Select instant voice cloning for the easiest and fastest method. If you want to really have a high quality clone then the “Professional Voice Cloning” is your preferred option.

Simply add clips, one is enough but more is always better when it comes to AI.

And the final result:

Now all that’s left is to enter your monologue into the text-to-speech section of the main page, and you’re good to go!

Boom! I don’t speak a word of Spanish but this is very convincingly me. Cloning your own voice puts this technology into perspective and truly shows its efficacy. We suggest playing with the various settings as they can dramatically affect the final product, from timing to delivery. Be sure to use the “Eleven Multilingual v2” model as its phenomenal at transforming your voice into any language you throw at it.

The Grand Finale: Putting It All Together

Now you’ve got all the elements for your fake Spanish getaway:

  • A detailed, personalized travel journal
  • Stunning “photos” of your adventures
  • Voice clips of you speaking Spanish

Combine all this proof into a killer social media post or drop it into your friend’s WhatsApp group. See how far you can go, and maybe you can turn some heads with your spontaneous vacation.

Remember: While this AI-powered fakery is all in good fun, always be transparent with your friends about what’s real and what’s AI-generated after the fact. Our goal is to present the ingenuity and potential of AI.

Want to learn more about harnessing AI for creative projects? Check out our AI Workshops and level up your team’s skills today.

Kyriakos Hjikakou
Kyriakos Hjikakou

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