€1M AI Opportunity Scouting

Unlocking AI Potential for Your Business Risk-Free

We help you identify €1M savings or you pay nothing

Are you intrigued by the potential of AI, but unsure where to start? Welcome to AI Heroes Opportunity Scouting, a comprehensive deep dive into your company’s business model and internal processes to uncover how AI can significantly reduce costs and improve efficiency for your company. At AI Heroes, we specialize in identifying customized AI strategies tailored to address the unique challenges and objectives of your business.

Introducing Opportunity Scouting

Comprehensive Analysis

Our team begins by thoroughly analyzing your business operations, examining every aspect of your workflows and processes. We identify specific areas where AI can bring the most value by enhancing efficiency and productivity. Through our analysis, we pinpoint repetitive tasks that can be automated, freeing up valuable time for your employees to focus on more strategic activities. Ultimately, our goal is to streamline your business processes, making them more efficient and reducing the time and resources required to complete them.

Risk-Free Guarantee

Our commitment is to deliver AI solutions that will save your business at least one million euros. If we fail to identify solutions that meet this savings target, you owe us nothing. This guarantee reflects our confidence in our ability to deliver impactful AI solutions that drive significant financial benefits for your business.

Contact Us Now to Start Your AI Journey!


Fully Developed Business Cases

Fully Developed Business Cases

Ready for immediate action, tailored to your organizational needs.
Comprehensive AI Opportunity Overview

Comprehensive AI Opportunity Overview

Detailed analysis of identified AI opportunities.

What We Expect

To deliver the best results, we need to gain a comprehensive understanding of your company’s internal processes, operations, and business model. This deep dive enables us to uncover the most promising AI opportunities tailored specifically to your needs. Our team excels in spotting solutions that are designed to meet your specific needs, not generic, one-size-fits-all approaches. That is why we value collaboration with your team, ensuring open communication about your company’s unique aspects. Embracing a forward-thinking attitude towards change and innovation will allow us to achieve outstanding results.


The Opportunity Scouting service is completely free if we don’t develop a business case worth at least one million euros. If we identify AI solutions that save you a million euros or more, the cost of the entire project would be equivalent to 10% of the savings, amounting to 100,000 euros.

Next Steps

Once the Opportunity Scouting is complete, it’s time to bring the AI strategies to life. If you are satisfied with the results of our Opportunity Scouting phase, you can opt for our development and implementation services to bring your AI solutions to life. We ensure that any additional expenses do not affect the initial €1M savings guarantee.


We can support you throughout all stages of AI integration, or you can select specific areas where you need our expertise the most. Whether it’s ideation, development, implementation, or ongoing support, we are here to assist you at every step, ensuring seamless integration and maximizing the benefits of AI for your organization.

Contact Us Now

Your path to becoming an AI Hero starts here. Embrace the AI revolution and let us help you unlock the full potential of your business.

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